IVRS (Landline/Broadband/FTTH)
Via MTNL Landline Number | Dial - XXXX 2198 |
Via Mobile Number | Dial - 022 XXXX 2198 |
* Kindly note, XXXX is the first 4 digit of customer's MTNL landline number. (e.g. 2431 2198) |
Call Center
Common Service Number (Landline/Broadband/Mobile) | 1130 / 1800 22 1130 |
Landline | 1500 / 2222 1500 / 1800 22 1500 |
Broadband | 1504 / 1800 22 8844 |
FTTH | 1130 / 1800 22 1130 |
Mobile | 1503 / 2222 1503 / 9869 012345 |
IN Services | 1800 22 1500 |
Other Services
Public Grievance Service | 1509 |
Know your Landline/Broadband unpaid Bill Amount | 1130 / 1800 22 1130 |
Know your Landline/Broadband unpaid Bill Amount through SMS | Send SMS Bill < Landline No > to 51001 |
Send SMS on 9969108108
Type of complaint / enquiry | SMS Text |
Landline Bill Enquiry | BILL XXXXXXXX |
Landline Complaint Booking | LLCOM XXXXXXXX |
Landline Complaint Tracking | LLFTR XXXXXXXX |
Broadband Complaint Booking | BBCOM XXXXXXXX |
Broadband Complaint Tracking | BBFTR XXXXXXXX |
FTTH Complaint Booking | FTCOM XXXXXXXX |
FTTH Complaint Tracking | FTFTR XXXXXXXX |
Leased Circuit Complaint Booking * | LCCOM XXXXXXXXXX |
Note :
1) XXXXXXXX is your Landline / Broadband / FTTH number.
2) *For Leased Circuit XXXXXXXXXX is 10 digit LCID number .
Escalation Level-1
Zonal Helpdesk
Know your Zone to escalate the complaint via E-Mail (Landline/Broadband/FTTH);
Note: Booking of Docket is mandatory for the escalation of complaint.
Social Media
Click here to escalate the complaint on Twitter.
Escalation Level-2
Note: Booking of Docket is mandatory for the escalation of complaint
Click here to contact Appellate Authority for further escalation of complaint.